Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Tale of Two Thumbs

Wow.  It took me an hour to stitch two parts of a pinkeep today!  I didn't even know that an hour had passed until my husband called me and said "Haven't you left yet?"  I was supposed to be at my Nana's for her birthday party by 2 p.m., but got caught up with my two thumbs trying to fiddle around with "perfecting" the edges of my pinkeep.  I take my hat off to all you ladies (and gents!) who make their stitching finishes look so perfect and easy.  Perhaps since it was my first time crafting a pinkeep, I should be easy on myself.  I just hope my next three...or is it four...will be easier and faster. 

Once I arrived at my Nana's, I rifled through her big button tin and pulled out some really great buttons.  I told her to keep her eyes out for charms, ribbon, and all sorts of crafty things that I could use for future projects.  It was great fun for the both of us, since she has saved those buttons for well over 50 years!  We had a lovely dinner with wine and a yummy cake and talked about all sorts of things.  My aunt gave her a beautiful picture of a blue heron, from the Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park.  My aunt is a very talented photographer and should be selling her prints!  I might get some of her prints to post on my blog for people to see until I help her start her own. 

Here are some photos of the pinkeep in process, although I still need to add the ribbon and whatnot for decoration. There is an uneveness on the top part of the pinkeep that I just couldn't get to work for me.  I think it has something to do with the cardboard I cut out :(
Look at those ghastly corners!


1 comment:

Meadows08 said...

It looks great. Remember, once you put the 2 halves together you get to cover the edges with ribbon or rick rack, etc. It covers a multitude of sins, trust me :)