Saturday, July 7, 2012

Eleven Questions


I am writing to you from a place full of sunshine!! It's been glorious here! Finally! I think I'm going to try to do two posts today...we'll see.

Alright, so I was tagged 5 times to do the 11 question thingy! I'll start with Kaye's questions.

Kaye's Questions
  1. What is your earliest memory? I think I was around 1.  I was jumping in my crib crying for my mom.  I didn't want to go to sleep. I remember the light on in the hallway.  That and spitting on my first birthday cake's candle!
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you like to visit and why? Ireland.  My Nana is from Ireland and I have yearned to go there since I was 6 years old.  Something is calling me to Ireland.
  3. List your top five designers and give at least one reason why each one is your favourite. Hmm...hard to choose but I would have to say Shakespeare's Peddlar for her reproductions, Ink Circles for the colours and swirls, Plum Street Samplers because her designs make me happy, Blackbird Designs because I adore their motifs and the patterns are easy to follow, and Chatelaine because Martina is a genius and uses the most amazing specialty stitches, silks and bling!!
  4. If a movie was being made of your life, who would play you and what would the theme song be? I don't think a movie should be made of my life!! It would put you all to sleep!!
  5. What is your favourite movie? Why? Another hard one....the LOTR trilogy because it's a tale of good vs evil, love, relationships, loyalty and strength.
  6. List five of the most influential historical figures and explain why you picked them for your list. Is this influential to me or to the world??!? Hmmm, Queen Elizabeth I - she never married and ruled alone, Napolean - he made himself an Emperor and nearly conquered Russia, Tsar Nicholas II - the most misrepresented tsar in history; he was kind, loving to both his family and his people and is a saint in our church. There were many falsehoods written about him and his family in many history books and the family is still mentioned in TV shows, movies and books. Wow, this is to say this but Stalin - brought Russia into the industrial age but nearly destroyed her in doing so and since the Communism revolution in 1917 , over 26 million people were killed and/or misplaced. It was a cultural and religious holocaust.  I could add so many more people here....but I'll add Thomas Edison - the American inventor who invented so much!!
  7. What do you love doing most in the world? Being with my husband and petting Titus.
  8. Cats or dogs or both?  Why? Both, although it used to be dogs up until I had a cat.  I adore dogs because they adore me, and I adore cats because they like to be adored!!!
  9. What is the one thing about your life that you would change if you could? Live in a better apartment with a patio so I can grow things!!!!
  10. Why do you blog? To share my passion for stitching and life with others who share the same passions!
  11. If there is one luxury item you could acquire, what would it be? Another hard one!!! Seriously I don't's that? Isn't it just luxurious enough to be with someone you love and smiling in the sunshine? That's luxury for me!!! But if I would have to would have to be.....a speed boat!!!!
Thanks Kaye for those made me think!! Okay, so now...onto more answers.  

Next up is Veronica!  
  1. What is your most favourite DMC colour/code? (Yes, you can only pick one)
  2. 819 - a good Christmas Red
  3. If you could go to any country for free, where would you go and why?
  4. Ireland - see #2's answer above
  5. Fabric, floss or chart? Pick one.
  6. Fabric - can never have enough!!
  7. If you could ask God for a non superhero ability/talent, what would it be?
  8. I ask Him to give me humility daily
  9. If you could ask a designer a question, which designer and what would you ask?
  10. Theresa from Shakespeare's Peddlar--When are you going to release Sarah Philpott, Jane's sister??????
  11. Besides stitching, what other hobby takes up the most of your time?
  12. Cycling, baking and reading
  13. Hardwood floors, tiles or carpet for your craft studio?
  14. Hardwood Floors!!!
  15. Are you a morning or night person?
  16. NIGHT! although, lately it's been morning...must be because I was getting up everyday at 6 am!!!
  17. If you could only shop in one needlework store be it ONS or LNS for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
  18. Too hard to choose but I suppose it would be 123.stitch
  19. How long/short is your hair? Do you keep it that lengh because you or someone else likes it?
  20. Long because I can do more things with it AND I find spending money on cutting hair is a waste!!!
  21. What is your all-time favourite design?
  22. Ack!! Chatelaine's Herbularius?!?!
Next up is Evalina's questions.  Hope you aren't getting sleepy reading my answers!!!
  1. What projects do you like to stitch - big or small? Both! I like to alternate between big and small!!
  2. What is your favorite fabric? 36 count Linen!!!
  3. How many cross stitching books do you have? None :(
  4. What is your favorite cross stitching magazine? Don't have one...although I like JCS's  Christmas ornament issues
  5. What time of the day do you do most of the stitching? Night time although I never have enough light!
  6. Does your  significant other supports your stitching hobby? He has no choice!!!!!
  7. Do you collect stash or just buying supplies for the current project? Mainly supplies for future projects
  8. What is your favorite drink after five? Tea!
  9. Do you listen to music, audio books or TV while stitching or just to the sounds of nature? I watch TV and movies while I stitch
  10. Do you have any live plants in your home? I do! My favourite is my China Doll tree that I grew from a wee sprout!
  11. What do you like to read? (Adventure, romance, mystery, non-fiction etc.) Books or magazines? Historical fiction and classics!!
Meari tagged me so here are her questions answered!!

1.      Do you have a SABLE (stash acquisition beyond life expectancy) situation? Not yet!!
2.      What is the most favorite vacation you’ve been on? Cycling through the Sunshine Coast to camp at Porpoise Bay!! 
3.      Have you ever entered your stitching in a competition?  No...there are no competitions for that here in the Lower Mainland
4.      Cat or Dog? BOTH!! But I should say cat because Titus is here and I don't want to hurt his feelings!
5.      Have you taught anyone how to stitch? My sister!
6.      What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Game of Thrones, The Borgias and 24--I love Keifer Sutherland!!
7.      What is your favorite stitching tool? My Q snaps!!
8.      What brands of floss have you used? NPI, HDF, Dinky Dyes silks and cottons, DMC of course, Weeks Dye Works, and Gentle Art Sampler Threads
9.      Are you adventurous when it comes to trying new foods? INDEED!!! Love trying new foods! Just not bugs or eyeballs or tongues or hearts or brains or feet!!!! Or other weird parts of the animal body that I don't believe should be eaten!!
10.  Do you like kits or do you like kitting up your own? I kit up my own, that way I have leftovers for other stuff!!
      11.  If you could do anything for a day, what would it be? Go to the new Radiohead concert!

 And finally...............Mckenna!!

  1. What time of day do you prefer to stitch?  in the evenings
  2. Three favorite colors?  Purple, blue and green
  3. Do you have a sweet tooth? Nope, a salty tooth! BRING ON THE FRIES AND CHIPS!!!!
  4. Do you stitch for charity?  No I haven't....I stitch for lots of people though!
  5. Aida, Linen, or Evenweave? LINEN!!!
  6. What month is your birthday in?  January
  7. Do you like to cook?  Sometimes if I'm inspired and want to try something new!
  8. How long have you been blogging?  Almost two years!
  9. Who taught you to cross stitch? My mom
  10. Favorite flower? Oi, this is a hard one since I have so many....sweet peas 
  11. Have you ever soiled the cloth you're stitching on?  Twice: 1st piece was Tanglewood and my beloved cat, Lucy, who has passed on, threw up on it and the threads bled into the fabric.  I stitched a butterfly over it and we like to think of the butterfly as our darling Lucy.  My Tea Bath Fairy got soiled in my qsnaps because I didn't have any fabric covering where my hands held it so it's a bit soiled.  I will wash it when it's finished!
Thank you all for tagging me!! Rules are to answer the 11 questions, make up your own 11 questions and pass it on to 11 other people!
My questions 
1. What is your favourite season and why?
2. Do you like to stitch seasonal pieces?
3. Favourite kind of music or musician?
4. Favourite folktale or fairytale?
5. How many languages do you speak and what are they?
6. Who would you rather have: Aragorn or Legolas?
7. Dream vacation?
8. A favourite saying and why?
9. Your most prized possession?
10. Who you look up to and why?
11. What is the hardest thing you have ever done in your life?
Here are the tagees:
  1. Barb from Wicked Stitcher
  2. Melissa from St. John's Stitcher
  3. Lianne from 1897 School House  and a new blogger!
  4. Heather from It's Geek to Me
  5. Chris from Tot Hill Farm Stitches
  6. Rhona from Tangled Threads
  7. Joyce from Random Ramblings (although I know her answer to question 6!!)
  8. Melissa from Melissa's Miscellaneous Adventures
  9. Noni from Fireflies & Cats in the Garden 
  10. Dani from Dani..Black Belt Stitching Wizard
  11. Ewa from Cross Stitch and Other Musings

Have fun and enjoy your day! I'll be back with photos of my most recent cycling mini-trip adventure, stitching and some new projects I've started!!



Vickie said...

So interesting Anne! I read through it all. :) A speed boat!! Wow!

Barb said...

Hi Anne, I really enjoyed your answers they made me think! Looks like you are having fun!!

Margaret said...

What fun! I loved reading all your answers! I have to do more research on Tsar Nicholas II. I loved that question best, I think. It was so interesting to see your answer to it.

Kaisievic said...

Hi Anne, great answers and questions! I loved learning so much more about you and yes, I did read to the end!

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your answers and getting to know you better! I hope my answesr don't bore you though! ;)

Catherine said...

It ws so fun reading all of your answers and learning more about you! Hope one day you get your speed boat!

twinpeakprimitives said...

I enjoyed too much :)) Nice to read about yourself a bit more!!!

EvalinaMaria said...

Wow, now I feel I know you even more. Thank you for the answers, I really enjoyed reading them. Nicholas II was a lovely man married to a lovely Alexandra from Germany. I think she was a gran-daughter of Queen Victoria. But, for God's sake, STALIN?!?! Are you sure? He was intelligent, he'd done some good things (so did Hitler) but, to the best of my knowledge, he was a tyrant and a mass murderer responsible for close to 60 million deaths. He also is responsible for massacre in Katyn ( My heart is aching each time I think about it.

Evalina, This and that...

EvalinaMaria said...

Oh, and I forgot to add: I love your attitude towards hair cuts, from now on I'm growing my hair too!

Ewa said...

Ooooh I love your answers and your questions! My Internet here is back and forth but I should be doing a post on Tuesday, all things permitted, and I'll answer your questions then.

Thanks for the tag!

Veronica said...

Really enjoyed reading all your answers and getting to know you better, Anne. Whoops! Didn't realize you were tagged so many times ^.^


♥ Nia said...

One more fun post to read! :D It's nice to learn a little more about our blogger friends :) thanks for sharing!! :D

Chris said...

Helloooo Anne!
It was so nice to learn more about you and your stitching.
Thanks you for the tag. I will try and get to the answers sometime later this week. I have been working some extra and the heat that we are having is exhausting.
Have a great week!
Hugs to you and Titus!

Meari said...

Whoa! That was alotta tags, LOL It was great reading all the tidbits about you, though.

Valentina said...

I love this questions post, to see how much I have in common with the author. And I see we have a lot in common:
-Ireland, I've been there 4 years ago and I can't wait to have the chance to go back one day.
-Chatelaine is one of my favourite designer even though I haven't stitched any of her charts so far.
-my favourite movie is the LOTR trilogy
-I think Queen Elizabeth I is a true influential historical figure
-I keep my hair long for the same reasons as you do, even though I look better with my hair short, I have been thinking of cutting them lately, but after 12 years of at least shoulder long hair I really can't bring myself at cutting them shorter!
-I love Chatelaine Herbularius too!
-Not only my significant other has no choice but supporting my stitching hobby but my mum and dad too!
-Historical fictions and classics are my favourite kind of books too
-I've enjoyed the Game of Thrones TV show, but I think the books are better, I'm reading the second one at the moment.
-Same favourite colours!
-I have the salty tooth!
-My birthday is in January.
Nice we have so much in common, plus the love for cats!