Monday, July 30, 2012

Knotgarden and a Finish!

Hello my lovelies!

First I would like to thank all of you who joined my tea party and cheered me up.  Your comments really helped me, along with stitching all day on Knotgarden.  I was mainly missing my husband but there were other reasons as well.  So thank you again for your support! HUGS!!

On Saturday, I worked on my Knotgarden as I promised Joyce I would. I also stitched a bit on Sunday  while watching Battlestar Galactica.  I love that show!! Here's my progress so far.  I think it's starting to look really good!
The colours are so much prettier in real life.  I can hardly wait till I get my sister's camera soon.  Then I'll be able to take nicer, clearer photos!!

I thought I'd also include some pics of Jane, with 1 over 1 stitching, the By the Bay freebie, which is finished but not completely, and my Summer Quaker progress.  I had to do loads of frogging on that one which made me mad because I didn't notice that I had started the bottom motif too close to the border which would have made the whole thing off!! No way I could've fudged it!!
Just this morning, I set about finishing the PS Summer design into a little pillow.  That's something I'm good at doing.  Took me an hour to do though.  I was going to finish some other little sewing projects but I had a big fight with a zipper and ended up sewing the damn thing the wrong way.  I'm done with sewing today since I can't seem to do things right the first time.  What's more annoying is that I actually thought I was sewing it on with the zipper facing the front.  Guess I can't tell what's the back and the front of zippers! LOL!
I added a cute little gingham bow on the corner and I think the stars on the other corners are adorable.  At least one thing went well today!!

Another irritating thing for me has been google reader and my internet.  For over four days google reader wouldn't load so I'm slowly working through commenting now that it's working for me.  I updated firefox in order to be able to use the internet without it freezing and flashing me a "stop the script" message.  So far it's been okay, slow, but manageable.  I think I'm going to save up for an 1pad 4 for Christmas.  That's it.  I'm switching to Macs!!!

Here's a funny photo of how flat Titus can get.  He's been good company for me while my husband has been away.  He'll be back on Wednesday which is in two days!! So excited to see him!!
So there you have it! Some frogging, some sewing, some ripping, some swearing (Frak!!), and a finish.  I hope to get back to Jane this week though before we take off on our cycling trip.  When I pulled her out and ironed her, I noticed how VERY close she is to being done!!

Big hugs to you all and from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all who have sent me a kind word and email to cheer me up.  What also gave me a big cheery lift was I found out that I won a little something special from Nia! She is the sweetest and it gave me a boost at the right time.  Thank you darlin'!!

Love and hugs from

Titus and Me!


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tea Party

“I say let the world go to hell, but I should always have my tea.”
  Fyodor Dostoyevsky

It's a Tea Party, hosted by Parsley and her daughter! I figured since the sun came out and I am a little blue today, it's a perfect time to have my spirits uplifted with a spot of tea.  I picked Cream of Early Grey tea from David's Teas, pulled out my grandmother's Royal Albert tea cup that has the sweetest little cross stitched rose design.  I didn't bake anything because I'm all by my lonesome and I'm not about to eat a dozen scones, biscuits or cookies on my own! I will share with you my recipe for those vegan chocolate chip cookies that are delish!!
Titus joined my tea time too!

I wore my laced Victorian gloves while sipping my tea.  Mmmmmm!!!

The Recipe:

Anne’s Vegan Chocolate Cookies

1/2 cup vegan margarine (I'm guessing you can use oil too, but maybe 1/3cup instead)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup cane sugar (or white)
~this bit I changed~ it says 1/2 Tbsp egg replacer + 3 Tbsp warm water mixed...I just followed my egg replacer recipe and added 1 Tbsp egg replacer with 3 Tbsps warm water and mixed before I added it to the wet worked so I'm not going to mess with my methods~~If you have flax egg, that works too, just add 1 flax egg
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/2 cup whole wheat pastry flour (didn't have this so I just used my unbleached white flour--worked fine)
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup chocolate chips (use whatever you have on hand, I used the chocolate bar, coconut and pecans--eyeballed it too)

Oven at 350 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 

In a small bowl, make the egg replacer mix, set aside.
With a mixer, beat the margarine until fluffy, add the brown and white sugar and beat for 1-2 mins until creamy. 
Beat in the egg replacer mix. 
Beat the remaining ingredients and fold in the chocolate chips, nuts, coconut.
Shape balls of dough and place on baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 mins or up to 14 mins.  Allow to cool for 5 mins on the sheet and then transfer to cooling rack.

It says for crisper cookies, use the 1/2 margarine and 1 tbsp olive oil. I guess they spread out more with the oil.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy your tea!!!


Anne and Titus

Monday, July 23, 2012

IHSW Results

Hello all!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend stitching.  Of course I ended up being fairly busy and only managed to stitch on Saturday.  Both Joyce and I planned a SAL with our Chatelaine's.  I actually managed to pull her off Diablo 3!!!It's a miracle!! Yay Joyce!!! She of course did way more than me with her speedy little fingers, yet I did manage to get some stitching/frogging time with Knotgarden.  Good thing I stitched on it cause I would've been in trouble! LOL
Sorry for the dull photo.  It's dull and rainy here today...blech.

I also worked hard trying to finish my Quaker Summer design and the By the Bay freebie and almost got one of them done.  
I think Nina's Thread colour "Old Berry" is the prettiest colour I have used ever.  The photo doesn't do this rich, luscious, make me think of a real berry colour justice at all.  Too lazy to iron's raining what can I say!
Such a cute design isn't it?! I love that sailboat and red house! My hubby really likes it too.  We both dream of having a boat together so we can float off to sea!

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my last post! I adore red shoes and I think other than black and grey, that's the colour I tend to buy the most for feet...that and purple!! I've yet to wear them though due to the stupid rain.  The forecast this week says sun but I think they are LYING! This morning, before my hubby had to leave for the airport to visit family in Saskatoon, I checked the forecast and Saskatoon will be at 28 degrees today!! The forecast stated it will stay hot for the week, plus the occasional thunderstorm.  I just have to show you this photo from the weather site that a person sent in.  I love the "Land of the Endless Sky" aka Saskatchewan. I wish I could have gone with him :(
Stunning isn't it?!!!

Oh, and who here wants a Titus photo?!?!?! He's such a popular fella.  So glad I have him because I would be mighty lonely here while my darling is in Saskatchewan. 
I see loads of amazing posts on my sidebar that I can't wait to check out! I am a wee bit behind but should catch up this week...hopefully! That and I plan on doing some actual finishing...hopefully....just send that finishing fairy over to me k!!!

Hugs to all from me and sweet "ladylike" Titus!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

TUSAL and Titus

Good day everyone!

The lovely weather stretch we have been having has ended.  Today we have rain.  But it is a nice rain since it cools everything off and gives the plants a drink.  I was hoping for sunshine today so I could wear my new shoes I got from The Bay's Clearance sale yesterday.  I did really well! Three pairs of shoes for $100! It would've been over that but I found a Bay giftcard from our wedding that had a $15 balance on it.  I love money surprises!!!
Here's my "orys" from the last Tusal.  It has all sorts of threads from various projects that I have on the go.
Seems that people are coming to my blog just for Titus now. LOL!! Well, I suppose he is pretty cute isn't he?! Well, here's a photo of him and how he relaxes.  It's quite comical!!!
What a fluffball!!
I hope to have some finishes to share after this IHSW weekend.  Don't forget to sign up if you hadn't already.  I will be finishing my Summer Quaker design, the By the Bay freebie and hopefully, will work on either Jane or Knotgarden...or both if I have the time. 


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"ORY" Jar and A Swan

Hello my lovelies!!

I have a finish to share! A wee while ago, okay about 3 months ago...ahem....I started making a little Ort jar after viewing Rhona's Jar topper tutorial. Anywho, after searching the internet for some kind of ciruclar design, I decided to stitch a little flower from Nan's Threadworks pins freebie, and combined it with some lettering from a BBD chart I had lying around.  Using some left over Dinky Dyes Desert Sand threads, I stitched it up rather quickly.  Then I found a little Mason Jar at my local SPCA Thrift mart....and there it sat, staring at me, asking me "Finish me! Finish me!!" Today I got the guts and went for it! It was fiddly to get centered but I think it turned out swell.  Take a look at my new "Ort" jar.  Notice that it says "ORY"? My husband pointed this out to me when I had stitched it and asked "What's an Ory?" I laughed and said "Can't you read? It says ORT!" Then I looked and felt a bit sheepish as I noticed the "T" definitely looked like a "Y". So here's my ORY jar.

I had big hopes on finishing my PS summer ornament to share with you today, but that will have to wait for another day.  I worked hard on finishing it up this morning before this post as well as I worked on my Summer Quaker piece. Here's my PS Summer finish.  Isn't it darling?!!
Hmm, that start is sort of abysmal. How about you look at my fancy cracked blue vase?!! I've had it since I was 12 years old with the lavender from my Nana's garden.  That vase means a lot to me as it started my blue glass obsession.  When we had to move downstairs while our apartment was being renovated, and then back up, I couldn't find this vase for over a year! I actually was quite sad about it...usually loosing possessions isn't too big a deal for me...and I loose lots! But loosing this made me sad.  Then one day I found it in a shoe box under our bed! I have it proudly on display now and it always holds the sweetest little posies for me.

Back to stitching.  Here's my By the Bay piece pictured with a shell from the Haida Gwai islands (I've never gone but a friend brought it back for me...always wanted to go there).
Remember Knotgarden?  Well, there's a very looooong story about why I haven't started it but I'll spare you the details (it has something to do with scroll rods, lapstands and getting irritated about having a hard time finding 27 inch scroll rods anywhere and not paying exorbitant amounts to get them).  It'll get sorted out this weekend. Right, where was I.  Oh yeah, Knotgarden!!!
Some stash for two charts I've been wanting to start.  I also had some linen arrive too but I forgot to take a time!
How about a pretty picture of my Nana's hydrangeas? I adore hydrangeas and hope to have some in my dream garden some day. 

Before I take off to do errands, I would like to welcome my new followers! Thanks for joining my blog!! Also...take a look on the left there under giveaways.  Sarah from Sarah in Stitches has a lovely blog and a wonderful giveaway! Nia is having a generous giveaway too!! 

Take care and big hugs to all.

Sorry no Titus today.  I sneezed and he ran and hid under the bed.

Need I say more?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Stitching and Sunshine

The sun has been with us for over a week now and it's been glorious!! Needless to say, I have been outside most of the time trying to get as much sun as I can before it disappears. Lots of bike rides, walks, lying on the beach and relaxing with friends and family.  It has been wonderful so far.  I've even managed to kit up a couple of summer small projects to stitch and started two of them.  I haven't achieved a numb butt yet, but I'm working on it!

Last week, my hubby and I went on a really long bike ride all over New Westminster and the Burnaby farmlands.  I love the farmlands.  It's like a whole other world down there.  Quiet, tranquil, peaceful.  There's even an old school that has been boarded up and an interesting place to explore.  I wonder who went to that school and when it got closed.  Here's some photos from that trip, starting with the new quayside dock in New Westminster.  It cost over 5 million to make! (Loads of pictures!!)
 Now the farmlands.
The flower nursery we visited was amazing. I couldn't resist and had to get a couple of herbs!! They are very happy on my windowsill.
Catnip and Tarragon
Stitchy news!!! We spent a day hanging up pictures and my stitching.  It felt so good to get it all up and on display.  Here is my lovely display of all things I love!!
I really love the frame I had lying around that fit the Thankful for Ewe Traveling Pattern.  I initially wanted to make a little box for the design but found this frame so I popped it in and we put it up!! It's a wall in progress...there will be more stitching added to this wall...I say this quietly because my hubby doesn't know my plans!Sssshhhhh!

After seeing all the lovely By the Bay SAL's on people's blogs, I decided to finally stitch up a freebie from By the Bay Needleart.  I am using the recommended DMC threads and am stitching this on 28 ct. Aerial Cashel Linen.  It has a lovely mottled effect like the sky and I think it's perfect for this super summery design.  I almost can hear the waves of the ocean and smell the sea while I stitch this.
Next up is that cute little Prairie Schooler Summer design from the Gift of Stitching.  It was the second most popular design for my giveaway.  I've been loving stitching this on 32 ct. Lambswool Jobelan, the same fabric I used for the little bee fob I made.  I think it's becoming one of my favourite fabrics to stitch on! I already have the finish mapped out in my head after I picked up some pink gingham fabric that will work perfectly with this design!!
After seeing La Maisonnette aux Fraises on both Carol's and Lynn's blog, I've also decided to stitch up this sweet little design.  Je l'adore fraises!!! I have some sweet little polka dotted fabric that will be a great match for this piece. 
I'm not finished yet!! I've got some more to show you! I was really on a roll one was Titus playing with my stash!!
I picked out two Quaker designs that I am going to start sometime this week.  I love this Gift of Stitching design called a Quaker Seasonal - Summer.  I will be using 32ct. Belfast linen with Nina's Threads in Old Berry and Weeks Dye Works thread, Madison Rose.  
The other Quaker design I chose to start stitching is the lovely Quaker biscornu from Stacy Nash's Primitive Designs that Carolyn had so sweetly gifted me.  A lovely piece of Natural linen that Melissa had given me is perfect for this primish biscornu. Thanks again ladies! 
Oh and of course, while I was putting some of my stitching away after their photo shoot, I walked back into the room to find.........GUESS WHO?!!

TITUS!!!!!!!!!! He was rolling around on my stuff!! How did he even get there so fast?! I got to remember to put all my stitching away FIRST before walking into the other room for a second! What an adorable, mischievous munchkin!!!
Um, wasn't doing anything.  Seriously Mom!!
Can't resist this chew toy!!!
After this I grabbed my thread bobbin from him.  I didn't want a disaster to happen!

Hmm, should I post a picture of Jane? Not much progress on her....might as well post one for those who look forward to seeing her...Margaret!!

C'est finis!! I hope you liked my picture heavy post.  I will leave you with a few lines from "An Evening Walk" by one of my favourite poets, William Wordsworth.

How pleasant, as the sun declines, to view
The spacious landscape change in form and hue!
Here, vanish, as in mist, before a flood
Of bright obscurity, hill, lawn, and wood;
There, objects, by the searching beams betrayed,
Come forth, and here retire in purple shade;
Even the white stems of birch, the cottage white,
Soften their glare before the mellow light;

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Eleven Questions


I am writing to you from a place full of sunshine!! It's been glorious here! Finally! I think I'm going to try to do two posts today...we'll see.

Alright, so I was tagged 5 times to do the 11 question thingy! I'll start with Kaye's questions.

Kaye's Questions
  1. What is your earliest memory? I think I was around 1.  I was jumping in my crib crying for my mom.  I didn't want to go to sleep. I remember the light on in the hallway.  That and spitting on my first birthday cake's candle!
  2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you like to visit and why? Ireland.  My Nana is from Ireland and I have yearned to go there since I was 6 years old.  Something is calling me to Ireland.
  3. List your top five designers and give at least one reason why each one is your favourite. Hmm...hard to choose but I would have to say Shakespeare's Peddlar for her reproductions, Ink Circles for the colours and swirls, Plum Street Samplers because her designs make me happy, Blackbird Designs because I adore their motifs and the patterns are easy to follow, and Chatelaine because Martina is a genius and uses the most amazing specialty stitches, silks and bling!!
  4. If a movie was being made of your life, who would play you and what would the theme song be? I don't think a movie should be made of my life!! It would put you all to sleep!!
  5. What is your favourite movie? Why? Another hard one....the LOTR trilogy because it's a tale of good vs evil, love, relationships, loyalty and strength.
  6. List five of the most influential historical figures and explain why you picked them for your list. Is this influential to me or to the world??!? Hmmm, Queen Elizabeth I - she never married and ruled alone, Napolean - he made himself an Emperor and nearly conquered Russia, Tsar Nicholas II - the most misrepresented tsar in history; he was kind, loving to both his family and his people and is a saint in our church. There were many falsehoods written about him and his family in many history books and the family is still mentioned in TV shows, movies and books. Wow, this is to say this but Stalin - brought Russia into the industrial age but nearly destroyed her in doing so and since the Communism revolution in 1917 , over 26 million people were killed and/or misplaced. It was a cultural and religious holocaust.  I could add so many more people here....but I'll add Thomas Edison - the American inventor who invented so much!!
  7. What do you love doing most in the world? Being with my husband and petting Titus.
  8. Cats or dogs or both?  Why? Both, although it used to be dogs up until I had a cat.  I adore dogs because they adore me, and I adore cats because they like to be adored!!!
  9. What is the one thing about your life that you would change if you could? Live in a better apartment with a patio so I can grow things!!!!
  10. Why do you blog? To share my passion for stitching and life with others who share the same passions!
  11. If there is one luxury item you could acquire, what would it be? Another hard one!!! Seriously I don't's that? Isn't it just luxurious enough to be with someone you love and smiling in the sunshine? That's luxury for me!!! But if I would have to would have to be.....a speed boat!!!!
Thanks Kaye for those made me think!! Okay, so now...onto more answers.  

Next up is Veronica!  
  1. What is your most favourite DMC colour/code? (Yes, you can only pick one)
  2. 819 - a good Christmas Red
  3. If you could go to any country for free, where would you go and why?
  4. Ireland - see #2's answer above
  5. Fabric, floss or chart? Pick one.
  6. Fabric - can never have enough!!
  7. If you could ask God for a non superhero ability/talent, what would it be?
  8. I ask Him to give me humility daily
  9. If you could ask a designer a question, which designer and what would you ask?
  10. Theresa from Shakespeare's Peddlar--When are you going to release Sarah Philpott, Jane's sister??????
  11. Besides stitching, what other hobby takes up the most of your time?
  12. Cycling, baking and reading
  13. Hardwood floors, tiles or carpet for your craft studio?
  14. Hardwood Floors!!!
  15. Are you a morning or night person?
  16. NIGHT! although, lately it's been morning...must be because I was getting up everyday at 6 am!!!
  17. If you could only shop in one needlework store be it ONS or LNS for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
  18. Too hard to choose but I suppose it would be 123.stitch
  19. How long/short is your hair? Do you keep it that lengh because you or someone else likes it?
  20. Long because I can do more things with it AND I find spending money on cutting hair is a waste!!!
  21. What is your all-time favourite design?
  22. Ack!! Chatelaine's Herbularius?!?!
Next up is Evalina's questions.  Hope you aren't getting sleepy reading my answers!!!
  1. What projects do you like to stitch - big or small? Both! I like to alternate between big and small!!
  2. What is your favorite fabric? 36 count Linen!!!
  3. How many cross stitching books do you have? None :(
  4. What is your favorite cross stitching magazine? Don't have one...although I like JCS's  Christmas ornament issues
  5. What time of the day do you do most of the stitching? Night time although I never have enough light!
  6. Does your  significant other supports your stitching hobby? He has no choice!!!!!
  7. Do you collect stash or just buying supplies for the current project? Mainly supplies for future projects
  8. What is your favorite drink after five? Tea!
  9. Do you listen to music, audio books or TV while stitching or just to the sounds of nature? I watch TV and movies while I stitch
  10. Do you have any live plants in your home? I do! My favourite is my China Doll tree that I grew from a wee sprout!
  11. What do you like to read? (Adventure, romance, mystery, non-fiction etc.) Books or magazines? Historical fiction and classics!!
Meari tagged me so here are her questions answered!!

1.      Do you have a SABLE (stash acquisition beyond life expectancy) situation? Not yet!!
2.      What is the most favorite vacation you’ve been on? Cycling through the Sunshine Coast to camp at Porpoise Bay!! 
3.      Have you ever entered your stitching in a competition?  No...there are no competitions for that here in the Lower Mainland
4.      Cat or Dog? BOTH!! But I should say cat because Titus is here and I don't want to hurt his feelings!
5.      Have you taught anyone how to stitch? My sister!
6.      What is/are your favorite TV show(s)? Game of Thrones, The Borgias and 24--I love Keifer Sutherland!!
7.      What is your favorite stitching tool? My Q snaps!!
8.      What brands of floss have you used? NPI, HDF, Dinky Dyes silks and cottons, DMC of course, Weeks Dye Works, and Gentle Art Sampler Threads
9.      Are you adventurous when it comes to trying new foods? INDEED!!! Love trying new foods! Just not bugs or eyeballs or tongues or hearts or brains or feet!!!! Or other weird parts of the animal body that I don't believe should be eaten!!
10.  Do you like kits or do you like kitting up your own? I kit up my own, that way I have leftovers for other stuff!!
      11.  If you could do anything for a day, what would it be? Go to the new Radiohead concert!

 And finally...............Mckenna!!

  1. What time of day do you prefer to stitch?  in the evenings
  2. Three favorite colors?  Purple, blue and green
  3. Do you have a sweet tooth? Nope, a salty tooth! BRING ON THE FRIES AND CHIPS!!!!
  4. Do you stitch for charity?  No I haven't....I stitch for lots of people though!
  5. Aida, Linen, or Evenweave? LINEN!!!
  6. What month is your birthday in?  January
  7. Do you like to cook?  Sometimes if I'm inspired and want to try something new!
  8. How long have you been blogging?  Almost two years!
  9. Who taught you to cross stitch? My mom
  10. Favorite flower? Oi, this is a hard one since I have so many....sweet peas 
  11. Have you ever soiled the cloth you're stitching on?  Twice: 1st piece was Tanglewood and my beloved cat, Lucy, who has passed on, threw up on it and the threads bled into the fabric.  I stitched a butterfly over it and we like to think of the butterfly as our darling Lucy.  My Tea Bath Fairy got soiled in my qsnaps because I didn't have any fabric covering where my hands held it so it's a bit soiled.  I will wash it when it's finished!
Thank you all for tagging me!! Rules are to answer the 11 questions, make up your own 11 questions and pass it on to 11 other people!
My questions 
1. What is your favourite season and why?
2. Do you like to stitch seasonal pieces?
3. Favourite kind of music or musician?
4. Favourite folktale or fairytale?
5. How many languages do you speak and what are they?
6. Who would you rather have: Aragorn or Legolas?
7. Dream vacation?
8. A favourite saying and why?
9. Your most prized possession?
10. Who you look up to and why?
11. What is the hardest thing you have ever done in your life?
Here are the tagees:
  1. Barb from Wicked Stitcher
  2. Melissa from St. John's Stitcher
  3. Lianne from 1897 School House  and a new blogger!
  4. Heather from It's Geek to Me
  5. Chris from Tot Hill Farm Stitches
  6. Rhona from Tangled Threads
  7. Joyce from Random Ramblings (although I know her answer to question 6!!)
  8. Melissa from Melissa's Miscellaneous Adventures
  9. Noni from Fireflies & Cats in the Garden 
  10. Dani from Dani..Black Belt Stitching Wizard
  11. Ewa from Cross Stitch and Other Musings

Have fun and enjoy your day! I'll be back with photos of my most recent cycling mini-trip adventure, stitching and some new projects I've started!!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tanglewood Framed! Happy Canada Day!!

Well hello everyone!

I'm officially on Summer Break!! The last day of school for me was Thursday and it was a wonderful day.  The principal and the staff gave me a lovely card and pot of flowers and told me that I was part of the family and would one day come back to them.  They are truly lovely people who I enjoyed working with immensely.  I will miss them terribly! I was also given a gorgeous bouquet of roses from the teacher I replaced.  Then to top it off, two of the ladies I first met in the district, over 4 years ago, bought me a bottle of wine with two goblets! I was a bit teary eyed to say the least of their generosity.  Now that school is over, I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of summer camps.  If I don't get the job, then I think I'll be okay over the summer since I have saved a lot from working. So hopefully things will work out! I'm sure they will!!

Remember Tanglewood? I stitched it about a year ago.  It's been awhile....I almost forgot! Well, yesterday, I went to Michael's and picked up my finished piece!!!! It looks amazing in it's frame! I am so happy I had it framed professionally.  I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Isn't it grand?!!!! We are going to place my Tanglewood in good place where all can see it's magnificence!

I forgot to post last week a picture of the lovely gifts I won from Evening Emma.  So here is a photo.  Thank you again Emma for the lovely magazine, fabric, thread and licorice!!
Just yesterday, I found out that I won a $25.00 gift card to shop at Nancy's Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe!!! How lucky am I?!! So I spent this morning perusing her online shop, which is amazing by the way, and settled on an assortment of items.  I'll show you the stash when it arrives.  Thanks again so much Nancy! She is sooooo generous!

As for stitching, there hasn't been much of that lately...but there will be!!!!!!!! I'm planning on stitching till my butt is numb next week!!! I want to start a couple of smalls and finish my secret stitching...which has been on the back burner for awhile now.  I also want to get going on my Knotgarden, even though I'm not completely set up comfortably for stitching it, I'm going ahead anyways! I did stitch a bit on Jane, so here's my gal so far.
I want to forge ahead with her and get her done!! That's my goal!!

Blog reading and commenting will be done this week too! I have over 600 posts to go through, but I want to take my time and read through the posts.  I've just hit the "A's" and hope to finish up to the "F's" today.  Can't wait to see what's been going on with everyone.

One last thing.................



Enjoy the holiday and happy stitching!!


Anne and Titus

Edited: Almost forgot to mention that I was tagged by both Kaye and Jo to do that question thingy.  I will have to do a post later on this week and answer those questions thoughtfully. Kaye and Jo, I will get it done! Thanks for tagging me!!