Is drinking red wine a good thing while blogging?
Hmm.....Well even if it's a no..WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!! I'm celebrating by myself! Isn't that fabulous?!?! Funny how the day you can actually go out and do anything, everyone is either away, or busy. I think that's what people call....Murphy's Law? No wait...that's something else....what do you call it?
You didn't come here for that, but if you did, grab a tea, coffee or wine like me and sit back and enjoy what I'm about to show you. Join me in celebrating!!!
First off. I managed to stitch 1 design while at Tatuk Lake (really far away from any sort of cell phone reception..AT ALL!!!! ACK!) I really enjoyed my time with my family and wish it could have been a longer visit. I fished, as many of you saw in the last photo, I stitched, I played LOADS of crib (only won 2 games...sigh), and made the morning fires without my Dad's firestarter...hehehe! I really wished I had a video of my brother, a firefighter, splitting wood with an axe. He's got so much strength it's insane. I think all of us were awestruck watching the log split into two and fly. SERIOUSLY!! I had many wonderful walks and took lots of pictures, some of which I will upload and create an album on picasa and link it...not yet though!
Here's my little autumn stitch that I really loved stitching. It's a freebie from Le Chalet des Perelles stitched on 28 ct. R&R18th century brown, using DMC, NPI silks, GAST and WDW. My Uncle Paul really enjoyed watching me stitch this piece and liked that I had a beautiful hobby.
We saw loads of beautiful birds flying above us such as Pelicans, Osprey and Sparrows. My camera couldn't zoom out enough to catch the Ospreys diving down to catch the Kokanee salmon but I could get this little guy. Isn't he the cutest?!!
He looks like he's pissed at something. Maybe he doesn't like his picture being taken?!!
Enjoy gives you a good feeling :D
Stunning rainbow hey? There's a photo I'll post of me that my dearest sweet mamma took of me...and you have to laugh. A BUG FLEW INTO MY EYE PRECISELY THE MOMENT SHE TOOK THE PHOTO. Okay I'll post it here for your viewing pleasure.
Love it!
Seriously though. The bug had a LOT of space to fly around in....why my eye???????????????????????????
Okay now onto another freebie I stitched while in the car driving to and from Edmonton. It's Plum Street Sampler's Christmas Coffee tree that I think was made for me. I stitched the tree trunk with GAST Espresso, the beans with WDW Molasses, the green is Nancy's Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe..super lush to work with, and the off white is GAST's Oatmeal. I stitched it on 32 ct Natural linen and loooooved stitching it. I have a finish in mind but can't get to that until later on in the month.
I went through the Rocky Mountains for my first time, well my second but my first time was when I was 16 traveling with my Ukrainian dancing troupe and it was night, didn't see a my first time really. Um where was I.....
Ah...mountains. Amazing!
The pandemonium of trying to take a photo of baby elk.
Oh, you want a Titus pic? Here is my big, beautiful baby!!
Some stash that arrived while I was in no man's land.
Um....any of you work with that perle cotton stuff? Or know what it's used for? I tried some last night and I'm not liking it at all. I didn't know when I ordered it that it would be so thick. I don't do canvas work and can't foresee myself doing that anytime in the future. I think I may give them to the 2nd or 3rd place winner...still mulling that part out.
Some Vikki Clayton silks and silk threads since I read on a person's blog (sorry can't remember where) that she is discontinuing her silks line :( Big booo from me since I just found out about her when I ordered her silks for Jane. Oh well. Her silks are amazing. I can't wait to work with them.
Looooove the colours!!!!
The last bit I want to share with you is the AMAZING gift that Jo from Serendipitous Stitching sent to me for being her 2000th comment post. I was tickled pink, literally, when I saw what she made for me. She also sent me a BBD chart that I can't wait to stitch! THANK YOU DEAREST JO!!!!!
I love how she made it in my favourite colours and stitched my name! It's very precious to me. Every little stitched piece that has been made for me is cherished so much. It's my third piece from someone other than myself and I love it to bits :D
Okay....I hope you made it thus far and haven't been too bored. I started looking through the blogs today but had to jet off to go school supply shopping. I ended up buying a new computer chair that was half off and will be delivered Tuesday. The Ikea one I'm sitting on is broken and has no back. LOL!!!
Love and hugs to you all
Edited: Fixed link for the French autumn freebie!