Hello to all of my lovely stitchy friends!
I have missed everyone here and have lots to update you all with. I'll make it a short post though since I have limited time with a busy toddler. We ended up moving from Vancouver to my old hometown, Prince George! The decision was a hard one since we really loved where we lived and made close friendships with the parents in the neighbourhood. But we felt since Vancouver was becoming more and more expensive, that we had to make a move before Nathanael was of school age.

So far it's been a good decision. I have a new full time job which keeps me busy. I get home by 4 pm now instead of 6 or 7 pm. I don't spend 3 hours of commuting to and from work....it's about 20 minutes in total! Huge difference in quality of life. We still don't have a vehicle but we are working on that. My family is so happy to have us here and we have been doing all sorts of family gatherings and outings in PG. Our house is nice too. We are renting right now. We may buy in the future, which is more realistic here than in Vancouver. There's definitely things I will miss in the big city but not the crowds or the commutes, that's for sure.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Oh, and I've been stitching my son a little Prairie Schooler ornament. No picture yet but I'm eager to get it done for our January 7th Christmas....I still have time!
Hope you enjoyed the update!!!