Thursday, July 4, 2019

Just Saying Hello

Hello all!

I have been picking up needle and thread lately which is fabulous! Making progress on "It's a Very Fine Sampler" by Birds of a Feather, Sarah Chapple by Shakespeare's Peddlar and a new sampler by Hands Across the Sea, Esther Benson! You can follow me on @dollsmusings on Instagram to watch my progress.  Lots of adventuring here and my boy keeps growing up! He's starting preschool in September...sigh!

Here's a few pictures just to keep this blog going!

Sarah Chapple 1 over 1

Esther Benson

Lake side stitching

Esther Benson's NPI silks

Current progress on It's a Very fine Sampler

Esther Benson start and a Titus tail

My 4 year old
Cheers all!

Thanks for stopping by!


gracie said...

So nice to see your post today. Glad you are all doing well. That little boy is getting so big!

Robin in Virginia said...

Hi Anne! Good to see your post! Wow, look at your son! Hard to believe he is four; he is a cutie! You have several lovely projects in progress!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Time has just flown! Cannot believe he is 4! You've been working on beautiful projects and stitching by the water looks heavenly!

Vickie said...

So nice to see you blogging again Anne. I am happy to see you have time to stitch this summer. It must feel wonderful! Nathanael has gotten so big! He must be excited to start school soon!

Anonymous said...

How time flies! I can hardly believe that Nathaniel is 4 already!
Glad you are doing well. Stitching by the lake is heavenly!

woolwoman said...

Hi Anne - I wonder so much about you - are you teaching or just a full time mom? I love so much you posted on your blog - I miss hearing from you and your son is adorable. How is your DH doing? Too many personal questions maybe but I do wish the very best for you and your family. Did you ever finish SDW? I think that was the name of that long german sampler. I have that same BOAF sampler at about the same point you showed. I love your other WIP's - I've gotten involved with the HATS craze too and have purchased a few. Stitching them is another subject ! I do try and have you kept up your crochet?
I don't do Instagram - FB and the blog is enough to keep up with. Take care and come back again soon ! Melody

Julie said...

4 years old ... how did that happen?? What a lovely little chap he is.
So lovely to see a little note here. You've been putting some lovely little X's in.
love and blessings xx

Barb said...

Great hearing from you Anne. I will follow you on Instagram if I can figure out how to do it. You have such a handsome son! Seems like yesterday he was on his way but not yet born!!

Shelly said...

Oh my, your boy is big! Hard to believe he's going to preschool. Nice to see what you're working on too. Hope you pop in a little more:)

Ele said...

beautiful projects Anne!
love the 'stitching by the lake' photo, looks the perfect spot to relax
your boy is so sweet

Leonore Winterer said...

Beautiful projects. Looks like you're having fun all around!

Margaret said...

I"m always seeing your posts over on instagram, but of course they don't tell me how old your little one is. Wow! Time sure flies! Pre-school? Just wow. He's a cutie -- and he's looking so grown up these days! Love all your stitching too -- you've picked beautiful pieces to concentrate on! Good to see a post from you!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Always lovely to see a post from you and the growing lad!
What a lovely spot to do some stitching too.

Meari said...

Good grief! He's four already? It seems he was just a baby.

Your stitching looks great!