Monday, April 1, 2013

Hannah and Pattern Winner!

Hello everyone!

It has been a wonderful Spring Break for me, however, it is at an end.  We had splendid weather which hasn't allowed me to spend much time indoors.  I really need Vitamin D!! Last week my little brother came down to visit and so we took him to the beach and did a lot of walking around enjoying the sunshine. 

The magnolia trees have begun to bloom.  I think they are my favourite spring tree right next to the cherry blossoms.  My Nana has two gorgeous magnolia trees in her front yard: one a star magnolia the other a saucer magnolia.  The saucer magnolia is a massive tree on which over 3 generations of kids have climbed, including myself.  I used to spend time on that tree reading William Wordsworth and Keats.  I didn't get the best photo of that tree but I will once it's in full bloom! The deep pink magnolia is one I saw on her block.  So pretty! I love the yellow forsythia bush that we get here too!

As for stitching, not so much progress as I would've liked.  I picked up Hannah again and realized how much I missed stitching her.  I mean to focus on her for the next little while.  She's always brings me pleasure when I stitch her.  The colours, the motifs, the blooms, the silks, the list goes on.

Kindness.  So much kindness in the blogging community.  All of you are so wonderful it makes so happy and blessed.  I received a lovely little LHN chart from Elena, of BusyHandsCraft.  She has the most wonderful blog and makes beautiful things.  Thank you again Elena for thinking of me!

I had to start it right away!

And now for the winner of the Quaker Biscornu pattern..........................................


From A Stitcher's Heirlooms!

My hubby drew your name from my little hand crafted bowl.  I will email you shortly for your details.

Thank you all for entering and commenting on my biscornu. I think I may just have to start another biscornu in the future as it was a lot of fun to make and really not too hard to whip up together.

Well, I hope all of you had a lovely Easter.  Our Pascha isn't until the beginning of May so I'm still fasting.  It hasn't been too bad and in fact I lost a few pounds and feel lighter.  Tonight I will be making a potato leek soup in preparation for my work week, which will be hectic!!

Hugs to you all and happy stitching!


cucki said...

Aww such sweet gift from Elena :)
Sweet stitching..
Congrats to Kathy ..
Big hugs x

Giovanna said...

Hannah is exquisite - lovely stitching!

Margaret said...

I'm in love with Hannah! But you knew that. lol! I love magnolias too! I don't think I've ever seen a deep pink one like that though. Wow! We have a magnolia in our front yard. I remember before we bought this house how I always admired the magnolia every year. And now it's ours!

Annie said...

Lovely stitching on Hannah. She deserves some of your time.

Nice to see someone enjoying Spring. It's just starting to seem like it here, but no flowers yet.

Barb said...

Hannah is so pretty! I love seeing your photos. It looks like you had a great week. Good luck going back to school.

Mouse said...

love the magnolia trees :) and way to go on the stitching front ....and the wee rak is lovely too :)
ooooo leak soup sounds yum :) hope you have a good week :) love mouse xxxxxxx

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Magnolias are such beautiful trees with so many variations. We have one in our back garden and I'd like to add another one this year but the weather isn't good at all so I'll need to wait for it to warm up a bit. Have a good week back at work.

Vickie said...

Beautiful stitching Anne.
Glad you had a nice time with your brother.
Congratulations Kathy Ellen.
I wish we had things blooming here. You pictures are great!

Shirlee said...

Hannah is looking lovely & it's nice that she's bringing you such joy : ) We had magnolia trees in our yard when we lived in Florida. I think the neighbors were probably horrified when we cut them down & planted maples instead. So goes the goofiness of youth : ) A lot of people here in the devil's playground have them.

Tricia said...

The LHN chart you're stitching is wonderful! I don't remember seeing it before. Congrats to Kathy Ellen and beautiful stitching on Hannah!!


Teresa said...

Love magnolias, so pretty. Glad you had a nice spring break with a visit from your brother.
Hannah is coming along nicely.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

Ewa said...

Beautiful scenery, Anne! Thanks so much for sharing as staring at a bleak desert landscape all day is quite depressing.

The Maiden said...

The crone, my fellow stitcher just bought a Magnolia tree for her back yard because they are my favorite! They are so hard to grow in Las Vegas, I was in awe of your photos! I can relate to your reading choices as well, I studied Victorian Poetry in college and simply devoured their works.

Have you read Christina Rosetti? deliciously innapropriate for her time, see Goblin Market.

Carol said...

Such gorgeous spring photos, Anne! We have no signs at all of any spring flowers--maybe next week? I sure could use some vitamin D myself!!

Lovely progress on your sampler and what a cute chart from Elena--I can see why you had to start on it right away :) Hope your week isn't as hectic as you predicted!!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Lovely pictures, and progress on Hannah looks great! :D

Angela said...'s only just beginning here in Ontario! It's been a looooong Winter. I love Hannah and a lovely RAK too.

Have a great weekend :)

Sally said...

Beautiful stitching and a lovely start on the chart you received from Elena.

Kaisievic said...

Lovely gift from Hannah and Happy Easter to come. I love soup - all kinds so enjoy your potato and leek soup. Yum!

♥ Nia said...

Glad to hear you had a wonderful time :D
Here we had rain for weeks, Easter weekend was the same.. but it's getting better, we hope Spring will shine over here and stay! Stay is important too ;) hehehehe

Lovely gift! And nice start :) We can see your were very happy to receive it!! :D

Congrats to the lucky winner! :)
Have a great Sunday sweetie! hugs&smiles

Dani - tkdchick said...

I'm so jealous of those who are showing off signs of spring!!!!

Beautiful stitching and what a thoughtful gift to send

Catherine said...

Sounds and looks like you enjoyed your time off!

Karoline said...

Hannah is looking lovely, nice progress

The magnolias are gorgeous, I'm still waiting for mine to come out

Lynn said...

Such a sweet gift from Elena!
Hannah is lovely and I can understand why you enjoy stitching her so much.
It's nice to see some of that spring colour. Your pics are wonderful! I'm still waiting for some of that colour to develop here. It's still grey and rainy.