Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blackbirds and Lizard Eyes

Well hello everyone,

It has been quite some time since I have last updated my blog.  Work has been very hectic and looks like it won't slow down until school is finished.  The days go by so quickly in schools.  It's as though you blink your lizard eyes (read the end of post and you will understand this) and April's gone!  The weather had been so beautiful this week that I was hoping for some sunshine today, but no....we get rain.  The rain really dampened (literally) my plans to go pick up my Jane Philpott from the framer's!!! I really want to pick her up but I won't chance it for fear of getting her wet.  This is the sort of time when I really wish I had a car...and could drive.

I was hoping to get some more spring finishes make for my little smalls basket, but alas, that has not been the case.  I did manage to finish my little LHN blackbird last night.  I think it's such a sweet little design.  I changed two of the colours.  One of the darker blues I used Victorian Motto shoppe's floss, which is divine, and for the blackbird I used WDW's Molasses to add a bit of depth and variation.

I have the perfect finish in mind for it too.  Inspired by Angela and Terri with their amazing box finishes, I will be making this into a box finish and offering it as part of my 300 follower giveaway.  I'm hoping to have it done in the next few weeks since our Pascha is next weekend and I will be busy, yet again, with family and church.  

Here's an update on Hannah.  As promised (to myself), I've stitched mainly on her and am about halfway done now.  I have thought about putting my other BAP's into a rotation schedule, but I need more than one day for that!! I will be filling in the leopard next and finishing off the grass.  I can hardly wait to see his spots!! I'm totally in love with this sampler!

Well, I have been one lucky, and blessed girl this year.  My name was chosen to be the winner of Terri's Birthday giveaway from Dixie Sampler AND a 2nd place winner from the Scarlet Letter blog.  I must have one lucky name!! I can't tell you how blown away I was when I received Terri's package.  The little box she made for me is so gorgeous and personalized too with my initials! To top it off, she sent me some beautiful charts, linen, fabric, ric rac, petite needles (yay!!), an adorable little purple flower needle minder, some charms and scissors.  Thank you so much Terri for your gift! 

Titus inspecting the beautiful box.

Isn't this design so adorable? Love the bunny and squirrel!

Did I mention the dark chocolates? Oh right...ate them all!!!

The very following day, I received the Scarlet Letter kit JCS 1707 from Melody, who kindly donated the kit as a prize.  Thank you so much Melody and Nicola!!  This sampler is really special and I can't wait to start it!!

I really love the Adam and Eve in this sampler. Every section is stunning to look at! The more I look at this sampler the more I love all the details. 

Well, I hope to catch up on reading all your posts.  I have been so remiss with responding to emails, so I hope to get to those today.  C'est La Vie! Right?! I do my best to keep up but when work gets so busy, I need to concentrate on that first.  The kids need me just as I need them.  Precious muffins all of them!! 

Oh, just to share with you one last thought.  The other day, one of my kids said to me, "Mrs. Doll, you have eyes like a lizard."  To which I replied, "Is that a compliment ___?" He very seriously said "Yes, because lizard's eyes are cool and green like yours!"  If you knew the boy, you would understand that in his mind, this WAS a compliment!! So I guess I have Lizard's Eyes!!!

Take care and happy stitching!!

Hugs from me and Titus...


Vickie said...

hahaha! I too have lizard eyes then. ;)
What a gorgeous sampler. Beautiful gifts!

Melissa said...

Awww, kids do say the darn-dest things! I think he loves his Mrs Doll! and what a great name you have for a teacher as well.

Lovely stitching. I understand how work busy-ness can be! At least you know you have the some time off in the summer!

Lucky you with the gifts! I think the next time I see you I will have to rub my fingers on your arm or something so some of that luck will rub off! ;-)

I'm listening to the rain in between all my errands. Off I go again! Take care!

Annie said...

Lizard eyes...that's a new one. But I think you should feel honored.

Love your little LHN finish. The sampler is coming along nicely. Great colors.

Lucky you to get such pretty presents!

Annie said...

Lizard eyes...that's a new one. But I think you should feel honored.

Love your little LHN finish. The sampler is coming along nicely. Great colors.

Lucky you to get such pretty presents!

Linda said...

Congrats on the great finish Anne. You won some awesome giveaways. The sampler is coming along and what a beautiful design.


cucki said...

Aww very sweet finish...
Wow you won sweet giveaway ...your stitching is looking so pretty x

Giovanna said...

Pretty finish, and congrats on the gorgeous wins. Great progress on the sampler too. Lizard's eyes... well if that isn't cute :-)

Solstitches said...

What a lovely little finish. It will be perfect as a box top.
You've received some wonderful gifts - love the box Terri made for you.
Great work on the WIP.

marly said...

I'd rather have your lizard eyes than my lizard skin. Great wins!

Margaret said...

Ooooh, so you have pretty green eyes! Nice! So I guess Vancouver is a city where you can get along without driving, huh? (I'm right that that's where you are, aren't I??) My son has to learn to drive this summer since he has ambitions that might lead him to places where a car is needed. Too bad. Love Hannah!! So beautiful! Love your finish too. And the prizes. Lucky you!!

Kaisievic said...

Yes, definitely take it as a compliment - small boys love their lizards so by extension must love you. Great progress on Hannah and you have won some lovely gifts. That box is very special indeed.

hugs, Kaye

Ann at Beadlework. said...

A post full of lovely things - your header photos are just gorgeous too - so many beautiful blooms.

Barb said...

I love the comment from your student. Kids do say the darnedest things! Hannah is looking quite lovely!

Ellen said...

Beautiful progress on Hannah! Congrats on your wins, you have some gorgeous gifts!


Samplers, Silks and Linens said...

Love your new stash, especially the CHS Sampler I really want to do that one some-day - also your Hannah Sampler is looking pretty - hugs and stitches, Amanda

Ele said...

Lovely finish, and great new stash!! Love the box

Annette-California said...

Congrats on your wins and what great gifts - wow. The box with the sampler is beautiful - lucky you:)
Very beautiful sampler your stitching and darling LHN blackbird. I too love VMS flosses. you've been busy. love Annette

Topcho said...

Lol! I think that lizards do have pretty eyes!
Your finish is looking so so good! I love the colours and just can't wait to see the finishing! The sampler is awesome as well, it such a big piece, but you're making great progress.
Oh, and Titus is as cute as always!

Mouse said...

heheheh ... love the boys comment ... and way to go on the win's they are simply gorgeous ...

and oooooo my name to win the box please hehehehehe ... Hi Titus :)

love mouse xxxxx

ps buckeye scarlet gast ;) xxxxx

Shirlee said...

I can also join the lizard eyes club ... lol! I can only imagine the wisdom you hear from your children each year : ) Such wonderful gifts! I don't blame you for protecting Jane. Blackbirds will look great as a box finish, & Hannah is coming along beautifully! Have a blessed Pascha!

Anonymous said...

Love the compliment from the little boy....don't kids say the most amazing things? You should keep a little notebook and write in all those amazing/funny stories so that you can look back at them in years to come.

Love all your stitching, I don't know how you manage to get so much done! And as for the gift box your! Gorgeous!

Sarah in Stitches said...

Congrats on the wins! That's fantastic. Your Blackbird finish is beautiful, and your progress on Hannah is looking stunning! :D

Anonymous said...

I love your finish on Blackbird by LHN. I really like the two colors you chose.

Hannah is looking gorgeous!

What awesome goodies you have won. Congratulations on your winnings.

Kids say the sweetest/innocent things. You never know what they will say next.

Lianne said...

Your gifts are lovely indeed.

I have to agree, also having "lizard" eyes, I too think they are pretty cool!

I like the comment earlier, that you should keep a note book, imagine reading and re-reading all those comments, how lovely and funny that would be!

Keep up the great work Anne, I am sure that your students will look back fondly on you and the time you took to make each one of them feel special.

Chris said...

Wow! What a sweet kid. I know that everytime you think about it it makes you smile.
Beautiful stitching, both on your BBD piece and on the sampler.
Congratulations on your wonderful wins. Lucky girl and well deserved.
Have a great week!
Hugs to you and Titus.

Claire said...

Love the black bird.You must have very beautiful eye's then.x

Melissa said...

Lol about the lizzard eye comment. To cute! Great job on finishing your LHN blackbird. I can't wait to see it as a box finish :)

♥ Nia said...

I hope the weather will get better for you, and you'll have some free time to enjoy too ;)
Congrats on your finish! Your wips has beautiful colors!! :D
Lovely gift! Lucky you :D

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a great compliment! That one will go down in the teachers' year book!

Terri's prizes are amazing, definitely worth winning. She's a very generous person.

I think your sampler will look great as a box too and can't wait for the giveaway!

Carol said...

Kids say the best things!! I still remember some of the cute things that would come out of the mouths of children that I taught in my college days over 35 years ago :) I'm sure your eyes are beautiful indeed!!

Love your little finish, Anne--it will be a perfect box finish, too. Terri's box for you is AMAZING!! Having won a giveaway from her myself, I know how kind and generous she is :)

I know your Pasha with your family will be very special... such a beautiful time of year to celebrate Easter!

The Maiden said...

Yeah a finish, it has been so long I forget what that feels like! I am excited you are sticking with your BAP, I cannot wait for the cat to come to life. Congrats on your win, they were meant to come to you.

woolwoman said...

I'm so glad you liked the JCS scarlet letter kit Anne. You have really had a great month of winnings - YGG - nice progress on your SL WIP - beautiful - thanks for joining my followers and I have joined you as well. Enjoy! Melody

geeky Heather said...

Blackbird is beautiful...I love the colors! What wonderful prizes you won!! =)

I only have lizard eyes some days...I can imagine that from a small boy that is a very high compliment. ;)

Valma said...

very beautiful stitching on your LHN piece, great choice of threads you made =)
the gifts you received are so beautiful, the box is amazing ! superb
happy stitching on Hannah which is growing in such a lovely way
big hugs lizard eyes =D

Ewa said...

Kids are so honest and innocent. Sometimes I think the world would be a better place if we all had the untainted innocence of a child.

Beautiful work, Anne! That sampler truly is stunning!


Catherine said...

Too cute about the lizard eyes! Love your stitches and goodies ~ lucky girl!!

Joysze said...

Lizard eyes!! ROFL!! How like a boy and how totally cute!!!!

Stitching looks great, honey and I've missed Titus!! :D
